Monday, February 25, 2013

I nearly lost my right eyeball once... No, seriously.

I just realized that the story to come is my one and only trip to the ER.

It happened around 2 am one morning years and years ago.  I was in highschool, Junior year I believe.  At that age, I thought it was super romantic to lay under the stars with my crush. (who am I kidding, I still think looking at the stars is romantic). 

It wasn't just me and my crush though, it was me and my best friends, Catie and Suzanne, and their crushes too.  So, here we all are.... laying under the stars on a blanket in the backyard. Obviously, we weren't supposed to have boys over at 2 am which presented a dilemma later on.  But it was very PG... just 6 little lovebirds star gazing.  Until, my eyeball started to itch.

Just my right eyeball. I didn't want to ruin the moment, so I just kept scratching it and not making a big deal when It felt ummmm, funny.  Finally, I could feel my eyeball actually swelling. Like no longer fitting in my eyelid comfortably, swelling. I asked my cutie patootie to shine his cell phone in my eye to see if he could find something in it.  I really wasn't asking for a kiss or anything... I was legit getting freaked out.  He couldn't see anything, and after another few minutes we decided we had better go inside and investigate.

Now, I'm not in the medical profession, but to this day I find what happened hard to believe. I've never heard of it happening to anyone else, ever.  By this time, the white of my right eyeball was swollen.  Big time swollen.  The look on my boo's face was enough to make me realize it was in fact, not normal.  So, we interrupted the romance and called everyone in.  Catie made the executive decision to fess up to having boys over and wake up her mom.  She freaked out when she saw me too...  The scary part was that after eye drops, and whatever else we tried, the white of my eye continued to swell.  It got so big that I could actually SEE the white part of my freaking eyeball with that same eyes pupil and It was getting to where I couldn't really close my eyelid.  So I called my mother at 2 am and told her that I was going to the ER before my eyeball exploded and she met us at the hospital.

A shot in the ass of benedryl or something, and it immediately went down to normal size.  I must have had a piece of grass or something I was allergic to in my eye. Then mom drove us to Krystals, and we were home by 4 am. 

I do have an appreciation for pirates, but I am glad I don't have to wear an eye patch for the rest of my life.  Appppppparently, your eyeball can actually burst and you can go blind, and mine would have if I hadn't gone to the ER when I did. That is per the ER Doctor.  Medical field friends, feel free to chime in.  I would love to hear if this has happened to anyone else, or if once again, it's one of those things that ONLY happens to me. 

Now tell me that's not the most random thing you've heard all day...


  1. I thought you were going to say something about the time you got the eye last curler stuck in your eyelashes at the State Tournament. All I remember is you coming in our hotel room and screaming, "Yall this is stuff in my eyelashes...someone help me." And we being the good teammates and friends we were....we laughed. But this story you shared was more interesting. Glad your eyeball didnt burst.

  2. And apparently, I cannot type.
    *lash (not last)
    *stuck (not stuff)
